Sunday, February 13, 2011

Rink Chapter 2 Questions

2. A student in the cognitive phase might be somewhat hesitant when performing the skill.  They are still new to the skill and haven't mastered the basic movements yet.  Performance will look awkward and most likely won't be too effective.  The student will be really focused on what they are doing, but any little change in the environment will throw them off.  A student in the associative phase has mastered the basic fundamental skills of the movement.  They understand what has to be done, but still  need a significant amount of feedback to reach the next level.  Students can focus on a specific area or two that needs work and generally be successful.  The automatic stage is the final stage.  At this level, students can do the skill without thinking about it.  It comes with ease.  The student can perform in a wide variety of environments.  Now they can being to focus on external factors without having to concentrate completely on what they are doing.

4. Different skills should be taught differently.  Closed skills are aimed towards stability of the movement.  You must use progressions for these skills.  Open skills involve an incredible amounts of different environments so it is impossible to teach them all.  Students should be taught how to perform the skills, then must adapt to the environment on their own.  Discrete skills can be taught by repetition.  They have a clear beginning and ending and there is little change in the environment.  Serial skills are similar in that they are a combination of discrete skills.  In order to do serial skills successfully, students must be taught the individual discrete skills first.  Continuous skills don't require as much precision and are carried out for a longer time.  Teaching these requires the foundation of discrete and serial skills.

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